Dear Nick,
How lovely it is to be writing you another letter and apologies for how long it has been since the last one! For my birthday, I was gifted a subscription to the New Yorker. I have since learned how much time and diligence is required to stay on top of a WEEKLY (really it is impossible) publication. So, in fact, I am doing you a favour by taking so long between letters - this way you have months to read and read … and read again the wonderful prose, art and poetry that fill the pages of these letters. YOU’RE WELCOME.
This issue explores moving from home and growing up. It is an enormous and hugely individual experience - the individuality of it all can result in an isolating feeling at times, so, as many gear up for another reshuffling of the geographical cards this August, I thought it was the perfect time to explore this theme and give those lonely emotions some company.
It was at this point in the letter I wanted to write something cool and slice-of-life to show you how life has been fun and exciting in ordinary ways. But I can’t, I keep re-writing it, and now, have run out of time and have to go to work (the Royal Albert Hall waits for no man). I am currently working many many extra hours to make up for the time I spent running around Ireland with the band playing multiple exciting and memorable gigs, including our first ever shows in Galway and at Electric Picnic!!
Yours, from under a pile of half-read New Yorkers,